International Conferences on Composite Materials

 International Conferences on Composite Matrials

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How Are Composite Materials In Aircraft Repaired?

Composite Materials have begun to be used for the manufacturing of aircraft fuselages thanks to their strength, light weight and stiffness, physical properties that are particularly well-suited for aircraft. However, after many flight cycles, the composite materials must be examined and repaired to ensure integrity is retained. As a result, flight engineers have come up with a multi-step process to determine how composite materials on aircraft fuselages should be managed.

Step 1: Inspect the aircraft for damages

Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) publish detailed guides regarding inspections and damage assessments. These guides are generally quite detailed, and contain specific instructions for all aircraft operators regarding how to inspect their fleet, including what specific parts of the aircraft they should look out for. If the investigation reveals signs of damage, complete a further, more detailed inspection is carried out, which may include paint removal, tap testing or Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) inspections.


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