International Conferences on Composite Materials

 9th Edition of International Conferences on Composite Materials

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Composite test methods (and specifications) for fiber-reinforced concrete structures

While initially focused on transitioning existing standards published by the American Concrete Institute, the relatively new ASTM Subcommittee D30.10 is developing new standardized test methods and material specifications for FRP composites.

Back in October 2020, my CW column provided an “insider’s perspective” into ASTM standards for composites, describing how the test standardization process takes place. I focused on ASTM Committee D30, which develops and maintains the standardized test methods for composite materials. The D30 committee consists of seven technical Subcommittees, focusing on editorial and resource standards, constituent/precursor properties, lamina and laminate test methods, structural test methods, interlaminar properties, sandwich constructions and composites for civil structures.

To most of us who regularly attend ASTM D30 meetings, the last Subcommittee listed, D30.10 on Composites for Civil Structures, is one that we’re less familiar with. The reason? Most ASTM D30 meetings are co-located with other composites-related meetings and conferences, such as Composite Materials Handbook (CMH-17) meetings as well as the American Society for Composites, SAMPE and CAMX conferences.

However, Subcommittee D30.10 meetings are typically held in conjunction with meetings of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 440 on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement. The reason for having separate meetings has a lot to do with the applications of the standards produced by this ASTM D30 Subcommittee as well as the Subcommittee’s history. In this column, I’ll focus on the test standards produced by ASTM Subcommittee D30.10.

Subcommittee D30.10 was officially added to ASTM Committee D30 on Composites in 2011. Before it became a separate ASTM D30 Subcommittee, composite test methods for civil structures had been balloted through the existing D30.05 Structural Test Methods subcommittee since 2006. However, technical meetings leading up to balloting of these new ASTM standards took place at ACI Subcommittee 440K meetings on fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) material characteristics. In fact, the initial six composites test methods for civil structures published by ASTM were transitioned from “guide test methods” that had been published previously by the ACI.

These initial test methods that transitioned to ASTM were associated with composite materials used as internal reinforcement for concrete (ASTM D72051, ASTM D73372 and ASTM D76173), as well as externally bonded composite materials used to strengthen and repair concrete structures (ASTM D76164, D75225 and D75656). A majority of the guide test method development for these six test methods had been performed previously through ACI Subcommittee 440K. However, the ASTM standardization process typically required further test fixture development and validation as well as additional testing.

Since ASTM Subcommittee D30.10 was established, ACI Committee 440 has maintained jurisdiction over design codes and construction specifications, while ASTM has assumed jurisdiction over test standards. Currently, Subcommittee D30.10 has a total of 14 published ASTM standards, 12 of which are test methods or practices and two that are ASTM specifications. A listing of the current Subcommittee D30.10 standards is provided in Table 1. Additionally, there are several working items under development. In general, the test methods developed to date have continued to focus on two common uses of FRP for infrastructure applications: Externally bonded composites for strengthening and repairing concrete, and composites used as internal reinforcements within concrete structures. However, new work items are expanding into other pultruded FRP applications for civil engineering.


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