Enhanced Selectivity on Magnetic Imprinted Polymers #sciencefather #comp...

Explore the innovative research on magnetic imprinted polymers (MIPs) designed for the specific capture of naringin, a natural flavonoid with potential health benefits. This video delves into the sequential assembly process that enhances the selectivity of MIPs by combining synergistic dual sites with the imprinted effect. Learn how this cutting-edge approach leads to more efficient and targeted capture of naringin, offering new possibilities in the field of molecular imprinting and selective adsorption. Ideal for researchers, chemists, and anyone interested in advanced material science and its applications in selective separation techniques. 

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#MagneticImprintedPolymers #MolecularImprinting #NaringinCapture #SelectiveAdsorption #AdvancedMaterialScience #SequentialAssembly #SynergisticDualSites #ImprintedEffect #FlavonoidSeparation #PolymerChemistry #TargetedMoleculeCapture #ChemicalEngineering #ResearchAndInnovation #SelectiveSeparationTechniques


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